Monday, December 10, 2012

Want to have More Resilience?

There was a lot of talk about resilience: the ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep going towards your goal even more effectively than before.
Resilience is also relevant for your day to day business success. Indeed, in a 2010 study by Accenture, 71% of senior executives said that “Resilience” was a trait they look for in whom to retain and promote. Business owners who are resilient see opportunities instead of obstacles and can quickly grow their income in response.
One lesson in resilience that can be learned in the wake of Sandy is Live your life in “Ready” position!
Though I’m not much a frequent sports spectator, between my father and brother I grew up with the lawn tennis games always on television. We could all learn from the fielders who await the play in “ready” position: a resting stance with bent knees, eyes present to the upcoming service, full body ready to spring into action. When you are resilient, you have a mindset that expects things will go wrong and that you will encounter obstacles. You see possibilities in the changes that happen and are ready to spring.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What Are You Doing About Your Future?

There is no need to be unhappy. There is no need to be sad. There is no need to be disappointed, or oppressed, or hurt. There is no need for illness or failure or discouragement. There is no necessity for anything but success, good health, prosperity, and an abounding interest and joy in life. – Emmet Fox
Success and happiness are your natural condition. Actually, it is easier to demonstrate a happy, healthy, harmonious and prosperous life than the opposite. Wrong thinking may cloud this fact for a little while, and it may seem easier to believe the error than the truth. Regardless, it takes less energy and is easier to think rightly.

You should never “put up” with anything. It is never right to accept less than perfect health, happiness, harmony, peace of mind, and abundant prosperity. All of these are yours by divine right as a child of God.
Regardless of your present circumstances, you can always be more prosperous. You can be healthier and happier, too. You can have a lovely, paid-for home of your own and good friends, too. Yes, you can have a full, joyous, peaceful, and unlimited life. However, to have this, you must take control of your own life which begins with thinking.

The "Netflix Effect": How Streaming Data is Changing the Way We Watch Movies

    Have you ever wondered how Netflix decides what to recommend to you? Or how it know which movies are popular and which ones are not? Or ...