Monday, August 26, 2013


One of the best ways to begin the process of being truer to yourself is to stop acting or “per-forming” with a primary impetus being to appease others. Granted, there are times and places when it is necessary to act within certain parameters, such as in a work environment.
However, we all go through times of feeling socially unfulfilled or disconnected, and while seeking approbation and acceptance from a niche du jour, may overcompensate by acting in a manner that belies our true-self. It is actually pretty ironic that at times we may seek personal approval and acceptance from others by not acting like yourself. Yes indeed, life can at times be a stage.

When defining yourself more through the eyes of others than your inner truth, it is not uncommon to begin thinking, feeling and acting less like yourself and more as you would assume they would prefer you to be. However, whatever your assumptions of the preferences of others may be, you may or may not be very accurate nor your actions necessarily expected or effective.

Think about it, you’re assumptions of the preferences of others is based on how they are acting or what they are saying, but what if they are doing the same thing you are? What if they are being just as untrue to themselves and putting on their own show, for the same reasons?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Check Your Productivity In Life

Did you know that the answer to your productivity depends on the first 15 minutes of your day? Physically we know that eating breakfast in the morning is important to getting the right fuel to sustain our energy and metabolism  for the day.  What we may not realize, is  that fueling our brain with what it needs to sustain  focus, be efficient and productivity for the day is equally as important.  How do we do that?  Similar to how we will grab and eat whatever is quickest, but not necessarily nutritious when unplanned hunger arrives, we will grab aimlessly  for something "to do", anything to do, which may not be the most helpful or productive task for moving us forward during the day.
Just like your body, after a night of sleep your  brain is raring to go  for a new day.  Be sure to provide it with something that it can "sink it's teeth "into every morning!  As you prepare for the day:

1. Take 15 minutes every morning to review what is now the most important thing for you to accomplish during that day.  Ideally, this will include looking over your "to do" list and reminding yourself of what is most important now. Then  focusing and completing  these today.  I recommend a T.A.G. system for your list.  "T's" on your list are those that are to be done today, no matter what.  "A's" are those things that need to get done but will get done after the "T's".  "G's" are the  "get it done" items on your list that need to get done eventually, by the end of the week,  but are less urgent  than the "T's" or "A's". 

The "Netflix Effect": How Streaming Data is Changing the Way We Watch Movies

    Have you ever wondered how Netflix decides what to recommend to you? Or how it know which movies are popular and which ones are not? Or ...