Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How To Be Inspired To Do Your Very Best

People often ask the classic question: "What keeps you up at night?" Though the question itself is a little corny, the notion behind it is interesting and points to a dark set of issues. It's pessimistic. It presumes our work (or personal issues) are so all consuming that they override our ability to sleep.
The connotation is we're dealing with such weighty issues that they torment us in our dreams and become our nightmares. The fear of failure and disaster wakes us from our deep slumber with clammy hands and sweaty brows as we gasp for air.

Personal Leadership

That's a crappy way to live.
But we live that way all the time, and hyperfocusing on that type of question sets a tone for how we think about and approach our work and personal lives. That approach isn't sustainable. It's unhealthy (and trust me, after my heart attack last year, I pay a lot more attention to the unhealthy impacts of stress on my physical well-being). You have to ask yourself: Do you really want to go through life focusing on things that scare you and keep you up at night? I certainly don't.
I used to. I've now, however, seen the light. We need to ask ourselves a fundamentally different question. A question that is diametrically opposed to understanding the concerns that haunt the small hours. And if you ask yourself this question, I'm betting your entire outlook will change.
The question we should be asking is quite simple.

The "Netflix Effect": How Streaming Data is Changing the Way We Watch Movies

    Have you ever wondered how Netflix decides what to recommend to you? Or how it know which movies are popular and which ones are not? Or ...