Do you have your life? Please think about this question, do
you really have your life? I've heard statements like ‘get a life’ on many
occasions said to people who appear to be different and unconventional
especially in matters of socializing. Many also think the whole concept of life
and living is about fun, leisure, and enjoyment. When an individual is having a
great time, you hear remarks like he's enjoying life, when an individual is
conservative and somewhat antisocial we conclude he doesn't have a life.
What is life? I believe life is a season or a duration when
an individual is conscious, aware and involved in matters of this world. It is
a period when an individual is expected to fulfill a purpose, serve a purpose,
make something great happen, impact the world and influence things positively.
I believe we all exist and are in this world to improve things and make better
the condition of this earth. We are all here to make the world a better place;
to create value, not destroy value, to make people happier, mankind better and
humanity more purposeful. We are here to improve the world.
This, though being a collective purpose and objective for
all mankind, as individuals our place, roles and assignments vary. That's why
we are created and gifted differently. Our gifts and talents are indicators of
our place, our projects and assignments in this world.
The ability to recognise your place, your gift, your sphere
and your assignment makes you truly relevant in life. The ability to act on who
you're created to be, what you're created for, perform your duties, achieve
your aim and do your assignment well makes you successful in life. Having a
life is knowing why you exist and doing that for which you exist effectively.