Let me explain.
We live in a fast-moving, success-driven, “quick fix” oriented society. Encountering disappointment, under performance or outright failure it is something that can feel like a punch to the gut.It is blog for Motivation,Inspiration,Braintoolz, Career development and Masterclasses
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
5 Keys to Regroup in the Face of Failure
Failure and rejection are tough pills to swallow. But sometimes they prove to be the best medicine in the long term.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
How Your Productivity Influences Your Life
Ever stop to consider how your productivity influences other aspects of your life! Now we're not necessarily talking about being more productive at work to get that raise or promotion even though that's a definite plus! The focus of our conversation here today is about when you get more done how it can give you better control of your life and thus greater self satisfaction and happiness!
Here are 3 examples of the benefits you can expect when being more productive at either work or in your personal life as well!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
How Your Bad Attitude Sabotages Your Success
Having a bad attitude is the absolute worse way to approach any undertaking and is the best way to sabotage any chances of being successful! When consumed in self doubt or negative thinking any efforts you put forth will only be more difficult and less productive! In fact you need to ask yourself why the hell you're even trying if you're doubting you can succeed or don't believe in what you're doing! Negative thinking has no place in anyone's life since it leads to no where good!
Here are just 3 ways that come to mind quickly how your self doubt or negativity keeps you from being successful!
Creates Difficulty
For starters lets understand that life itself can be tough enough as it is but when you approach it with self doubt you only make things more difficult than they may already be! In fact self doubt can place quite a weight on your shoulders that only you can feel thus making each day longer and your prospects more dreadful! I don't know about you, but so far, having a doubting or negative attitude or approach doesn't seem to be the way to go!
The ONE Habit That Will Make or Break Your Business
Last week I was listening to one of my new customer as she explained why she had called.
“I need help with my business! I’m just disorganized and overwhelmed,” she said. “There are so many things I need to do; just look at my to-do list!” Sure enough her to-do list was a couple of pages long.
So I asked, “These items at the top -- how long have they been on here?”
“They’ve been on there for weeks and I can’t get them done! I just get more and more new things to add. I know I should get organized – look here, I’ve grouped them by category. I’ve even prioritized them, see? I’ve got them marked A, B, and C, and numbered them within their A-B-C priority. It doesn’t help!”
Of course, she’s right. Getting stuck at the planning and organizing stage without actually doing, doesn’t help!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
What is Really Important to You?
Make the most of every moment and stop wasting time doing all the things that really won’t matter later on. Choose to finally see what really matters to you; now while you can still enjoy them. Find creative ways to make as much time available to do all the really important things. The things, which really matter.
Look after your HealthWe are so bogged down in all the clutter, stress and unnecessary urgency all around us, that we neglect our health. Your health is like a fine porcelain bowl. Drop it and it shatters. Yes you can glue it back together, but it will never be the same again. Invest time to exercise and watch what you put into your mouth. Once you are lying in hospital, trying to recover from a triple heart bypass operation, the damage is already done. Take control today and take care of the one thing you cannot replace, namely your body and health.
The choices you make every day about your health will stay with you forever. No one else is going to take care of it for you. The local health club is never going to send you an email insisting that you show up for your 30 minute workout each day. Your bathroom scale is not going to shout at you every morning, demanding that you lose that extra 15 kg you are carrying around with you. The grocery clerk at the counter of your local grocery store, is never going to insist that you put all the junk food back on the shelves. Nor is the local fast food restaurant, going to refuse to serve you a large fatty burger and chips, because you have really high cholesterol. It is all up to you.
Make time for yourself
Unless you schedule time into your diary to rest, recover, rejuvenate and invest with your family. Your life will continue to fly past in a whirl of constant busyness and dissatisfaction. You owe it to yourself and those nearest and dearest to you, to make time to live and to love. Stop allowing urgency to drive your life experience, choose to allow yourself to see the roses and beauty all around. I have never received a subpoena from the mountains or the ocean, insisting that I take some crucial time off from the hamster wheel of constant interruption, busyness and stress, to appear for some much needed relaxation and solitude. It is all up to you how the rest of your life will unfold. Is it going to continue in a whirl of dissatisfaction or are you going to invest time to make things better.
Make time to Help Others
There is no better and more satisfying activity than giving freely to inspiration. Allow yourself to slow down, take a breath and try to find something bigger than yourself to focus on. When you pause long enough to see others around you and you commit to support and inspire them to uplift themselves, you will truly begin to feel true joy and discover meaning and fulfilment.
Focus on what is Really Important
There are constantly things, which distract us and are begging for our attention all the time. Dare to slow down a little and take a longer term view of your life. Stop seeking pleasure in the moment and focus on growing and becoming. There is no greater investment you can make of either your time or resources, than is found when you work to advance your education or improve your life skills. How you choose to invest into your growth is also up to you. The local university does not call every day to remind you to read books, listen to audio books or attend life changing seminars. It is up to you to make the right choices.
Avoid the Urgent and Do what is Important
Make a conscious decision today to wrestle back control of your life once again. It is up to you to stop responding and giving your all to the constant barrage of urgency, which pervades and to finally make time to give to the important things in life. Invest the time to equip yourself to be able to tell the difference between the two and commit to allocate the correct amount of time to each, so that you can finally invite meaning into your experience.
Action Idea: Starting right now and throughout every day going forward, stop and ask yourself this question “Is what I am doing right now important to my health, well-being and mission in life and does it serve me and my loved ones”? If you cannot answer yes to this question, then it is time to make some really important changes in your life.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ways to Move from Stuck to A Creative Genius
No matter how much we enjoy what we are doing in our life and in our business, there are times when we all find ourselves in need of a creativity jump-start. As many of you know, I'm working on a book to be released next year on positive thinking.
I greatly enjoy the topic and the writing process, however there are days that I find myself, simply put, feeling stuck with my present coporate job.
Friday, October 12, 2012
The Solution to ‘Not Enough Money’
Are you a member of the ‘Not enough money’ brigade? By this I mean do you find yourself thinking or saying on a regular basis ‘I can’t afford that’, ‘I don’t have enough money’ or ‘I can’t justify that’? This could be in relation to that fabulous new pair of shoes, that fantastic new dress or that night out with friends. Or maybe in relation to a special holiday or new kitchen you’ve been dreaming of? Or, in your business it might be in relation to that support or training you really want?
If so, you’re not alone, and the way to tackle this is to get very clear on how much is enough.
What do I mean by this? I mean you get clear on what success means to you – your successful life, your successful business, the successful ‘you’ - and how much money it will take to allow you to live in this way. Not how much you need but rather how much you want in order to develop your really successful business and live your ideal (successful) lifestyle.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
This will make you think, if you read it!
Hard to believe, but another month has gone by, sad part is we will never get that time back. Yea regardless of how much money you have, time is the only thing l know you can never buy back. So why do we waste it and abuse our time, on earth. Very simple why 97% of the world population struggles with their "Financial Obligations," so that leaves us with 3% of the population l want to be part of. I do not want to chase the larger and too most, the best of odds if your a numbers person. Why most are not focus on their ambitions, desires in life, just keep on spending on worthless programs and dreams.
Tools For Enforcing Personal Boundaries
Has anyone ever spoken to you in an inappropriate manner? Often people are caught off guard and are not prepared to handle these challenging situations. But, as a leader, whenever you are in a situation that’s uncomfortable, it’s imperative that you speak up; the person needs to know that the behavior is inappropriate and that you will not tolerate it. Being a leader means that you expect the best of those around you and you hold them to the higher standard.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Every Body Has a Right to Look Good
To look young and beautiful is not a crime and if men want both then he has to spend time. Today people do not have time to adopt those processes through which they can enhance their charms and looks. A person who is going to work in outer environment will have to be in contact with pollution and dust which will make the skin of that person rigid and unhealthy. Face of a person plays an important role in outer world because whenever a person meets another person he judges him by face. Men’s face is thought to be that book which expresses the feelings. Every person has different type of skin and these should be treated differently. Rigidness and dry skin are the problems which men encounter with frequently and these problems can be solved easily. Alla person has to do is to visit a spa as these professionals help in improving the condition of the skin.
Are you Prepared to Go the Extra Mile To Succeed?
If you want to finally start moving towards the success you want to invite into your life. It is time to stand out from the crowd and go the extra mile. As long as you allow yourself to remain trapped in your comfort zone. A place where you are, neither content, nor fulfilled your life will continue to flash past in a blur of dissatisfaction.
Success Tips - Are You on Your Stage or Waiting in the Wings
I want you to be honest with yourself here. As a man in business are you on your stage or waiting in the wings?
You know exactly what I mean by this and you also know what is true for you at the moment.
This is about whether you’re playing small or full out, whether you’re the understudy or principal dancer, whether you’re hiding your light or allowing it to shine. Whether you’re feeling anxious or disconnected, or whether you feel fully alive and connected.
Because if you’re not ‘out there’ right now – what are you waiting for?
You do realise that You are the only person who can dance Your Dance?
That only you has the unique combination of skills, talents, experience and expertise to showcase your dance, to express your dance fully? You may think it’s no different to anyone else’s in your particular arena, but let me tell you it is. It is if you believe it is - if you believe in yourself, if you believe in your message, if you believe in the value you bring. If you believe you’re here to make a contribution to the world and to be the best You can possibly be.
Because I believe that’s the reason for being alive – for you to dance joyfully and to express yourself fully, for you to dance to the best of your ability, to dance as if your life depends on it – because it does! Being you and dancing your dance is THE way for you to really live – and if you’re not really living then you’re dying a little every day.
What kind of role model do you want to be to your children, to the next generation? Demonstrating that it’s ok to wait in the wings, to always be the understudy in your own life and in your own business? That it’s best to shy away from being the star?
You know exactly what I mean by this and you also know what is true for you at the moment.
This is about whether you’re playing small or full out, whether you’re the understudy or principal dancer, whether you’re hiding your light or allowing it to shine. Whether you’re feeling anxious or disconnected, or whether you feel fully alive and connected.
Because if you’re not ‘out there’ right now – what are you waiting for?
You do realise that You are the only person who can dance Your Dance?
That only you has the unique combination of skills, talents, experience and expertise to showcase your dance, to express your dance fully? You may think it’s no different to anyone else’s in your particular arena, but let me tell you it is. It is if you believe it is - if you believe in yourself, if you believe in your message, if you believe in the value you bring. If you believe you’re here to make a contribution to the world and to be the best You can possibly be.
Because I believe that’s the reason for being alive – for you to dance joyfully and to express yourself fully, for you to dance to the best of your ability, to dance as if your life depends on it – because it does! Being you and dancing your dance is THE way for you to really live – and if you’re not really living then you’re dying a little every day.
What kind of role model do you want to be to your children, to the next generation? Demonstrating that it’s ok to wait in the wings, to always be the understudy in your own life and in your own business? That it’s best to shy away from being the star?
Monday, October 1, 2012
Your Words - They're Way More Powerful Than You Think
Let's say you call someone an idiot in the middle of a heated argument. Even if you apologize later, you can never take it back. You can't "un-say" it. The other person may take your words to heart and be forever changed.
When you look at it that way, it's important to live by another old saying - "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
But it's not just conversations with other people that can be life-changing. The words you say to yourself can have a major effect on your life.
When's the last time you stood in front of the mirror and berated yourself because you put on a few pounds? Have you ever called yourself stupid for making a silly mistake? Those mean comments may be over in a few seconds, but their effects can last forever. That's because every word you say - even the internal conversations you have with yourself - is being processed by your subconscious mind.
Unfortunately, your subconscious is like a little filing cabinet. It keeps a record of everything it processes. Eventually, those subconscious "files" seep into your conscious mind. As a result, you wind up feeling bad about yourself all the time - not just when you're standing in front of the mirror or making a mistake.
Even if they're irrational, the words you use today may become a firm belief in your mind tomorrow.
For example, you might tell yourself you're not very good at soccer. It's a comment that has no rational basis, because you've never even played soccer before. However, when your mind hears that comment, it starts churning. When all is said and done, you really aren't very good at soccer.
Because you set a low expectation for yourself and, subconsciously, lived up to it. It's a phenomenon psychologists call a "self-fulfilling prophecy". Your mind believes something is true, so it makes sure it becomes true.
Whether you mean them or not, the words you use can transform the very essence of who you are. Set Your Priorities for Success in Business and Life
For success in business you have to set up a similar method of completing your projects and attaining the goals you set. You are not able to just go right to the top of the ladder. You must set reasonable goals to be achieved, similar to each rung you step up on the ladder. Once you achieve your goal you may find a bit more work needs to be done to really get the results you want in order to get to where you want to go.
This would be similar to stretching up to reach the light bulb. There are no shortcuts. You have to take an orderly path up the ladder, one rung at a time. You don’t skip up two or three rungs. You climb slowly and steady up the ladder. This is the same process for your business. It does not mean this process has to take years! For certain businesses with this orderly process may take a few months or even weeks. The point is you have to set your priorities.
Let’s consider the ladder again. As you are climbing up the ladder, you see one or two beautifully colored butterflies gliding nearby. Would you stop and go back down the ladder, find your camera or iPhone, and then go back up the ladder to take pictures? Once the pictures are taken, would you then post the photos and send them around to your friends? Would you climb down the ladder and print one or two of the photos out as you realize it would look perfect in your den in a frame? You now realize you don’t have the right frame so you get in your car and drive to the mall to purchase the perfect frame for your new butterfly picture. And this story goes on, as the picture has to be hung in the proper location… This story may seem ridiculous to you. Please ask yourself how it is any different than spending too much time on Twitter or Facebook? How is it any different than forgetting the birthday of your spouse or the anniversary of a special event to you both?
The ability to achieve success is directly related to your ability to prioritize. The next time you think you are falling off track think of this story of climbing the ladder to remind you to get to the light bulbs and stop chasing the butterflies. If you are ready to shine the light on your priorities .
Taking Action for Success
The purpose of man is in action, not thought" Thomas Carlyle
One of the main thing's I've learned over the past 2 years since I handed my notice in, stopped being an employed manager and first thought seriously about developing my own business is that taking action is even more important than having a fully formed plan.
One of the main thing's I've learned over the past 2 years since I handed my notice in, stopped being an employed manager and first thought seriously about developing my own business is that taking action is even more important than having a fully formed plan.
Now as someone who is fairly reflective by nature, and a perfectionist who has spent a lot of her life planning, this was a difficult lesson to learn!
In fact, the act of resigning with no job to go to was a huge leap of faith and my first really big action not to be fully thought through - but I felt wonderful having taken it, and it allowed me to get a much clearer idea of what I wanted to do next and where I wanted to go. If I'd waited until I felt fully prepared and had a plan of what I would do next, then I might never have had the guts to leave. But for the first time in a long while, I trusted myself to take the action and then figure out the next steps afterwards.
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