Monday, October 1, 2012

Your Words - They're Way More Powerful Than You Think

You know the old saying, "sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" Well, it's not even close to being true! In reality, the words you use are powerful. They can evoke strong emotions - both good and bad. And when you use the wrong ones, the results can be devastating.
Let's say you call someone an idiot in the middle of a heated argument. Even if you apologize later, you can never take it back. You can't "un-say" it. The other person may take your words to heart and be forever changed.

When you look at it that way, it's important to live by another old saying - "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
But it's not just conversations with other people that can be life-changing. The words you say to yourself can have a major effect on your life.
When's the last time you stood in front of the mirror and berated yourself because you put on a few pounds? Have you ever called yourself stupid for making a silly mistake? Those mean comments may be over in a few seconds, but their effects can last forever. That's because every word you say - even the internal conversations you have with yourself - is being processed by your subconscious mind.

Unfortunately, your subconscious is like a little filing cabinet. It keeps a record of everything it processes. Eventually, those subconscious "files" seep into your conscious mind. As a result, you wind up feeling bad about yourself all the time - not just when you're standing in front of the mirror or making a mistake.
Even if they're irrational, the words you use today may become a firm belief in your mind tomorrow.
For example, you might tell yourself you're not very good at soccer. It's a comment that has no rational basis, because you've never even played soccer before. However, when your mind hears that comment, it starts churning. When all is said and done, you really aren't very good at soccer.

Because you set a low expectation for yourself and, subconsciously, lived up to it. It's a phenomenon psychologists call a "self-fulfilling prophecy". Your mind believes something is true, so it makes sure it becomes true.
Whether you mean them or not, the words you use can transform the very essence of who you are.

So, the next time you go to open your mouth - or you start to have an inner-conversation with yourself - think about the words you're about to use. Choose them wisely and make sure you'll be comfortable with the words later, after the heat of the moment has passed. That way, you'll be kinder to the ones you love and kinder to the one you should love the most - yourself.

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