When egos clash in the
workplace, owners and managers cannot afford to do nothing, because the
business is likely to be the ultimate loser. So what is the best way to sort
such problems out and why do they happen in the first place?
Ego clashes are nasty,
destructive diseases that can harm businesses large and small. Many of us will
have witnessed the symptoms. These can include one person deliberately failing
to consult a colleague when they should, or failing to include them in group
activity at work or after hours.
Sometimes warring
factions ignore each other and in the process create an uncomfortable
atmosphere for others. At other times they might clash or deliberately talk
over each other in meetings. They might secretly seek to undermine their
opponent to colleagues. Sometimes things can spill over and get ugly, leading
to the unsightly spectacle of workplace shouting matches or worse.
Knowledge is power
“Managing personality or ego clashes is something that businesses
of all sizes can struggle with, but in small businesses owners may lack the
knowledge or experience of how to sort out such problems," says Anthony
Sutton, managing director of Lichfield-base which provides HR advice and
support to SMEs.
"There isn't one
answer to solving the problem; solutions are dictated by the personalities
involved and circumstances, but good communication is vital," he stresses.
Regular, open
conversations between the owner/manager and staff, during which issues can be
raised, can prevent ego clashes happening or spiraling out of control. "An
informal, 10-15 minute catch-up each week with staff can be enough," adds
Sutton. "Ask employees open questions to find out how they're getting on
and listen carefully.
But what if a serious ego clash has already taken place? "Don't ignore it
- you must act," Sutton replies. "Explain to the employee or
employees that you need to sit down with them and talk about what has happened.
You need to listen to events from their perspective.
"Talk as little
as possible - it's about allowing the employee to express their views. If
the clash has been between you and them, take them aside and ask them why they
believe things got to that stage. Avoid talking at them or telling them off
- they'll simply get more frustrated or switch off," he warns.
Root of a problem
Sutton says such
information is a gift that can enable owners/managers to get to the root of a
problem, which can help to resolve any fall-out, prevent it happening again and
enable everyone to move forward. "There might be deeper issues," he
adds. "For example, an employee might feel unhappy, undervalued or that
their opinions are ignored. You or others might have no idea they felt so
strongly about an issue, while the cause of their anger or frustration might be
wholly unintentional."
If the ego clash is between two employees, Sutton recommends
discussing the problem with both individuals separately at first, but he says
true resolution can only be gained by all parties meeting and agreeing a
solution. "If people have been shouting at each other or ignoring each
other, you must make it clear it's not acceptable, because it harms your
Differences of opinion
are healthy in business, Sutton admits, but it's the way those differences are
voiced or acted upon that often causes ego clashes. "If an impasse between
two employees is reached, you, the manager, must ultimately make a judgment,
and compromise may be required. You should fully explain your decision
- which should always be made for sound business reasons.
Destructive influence
"Listening to
staff is not a matter of being soft, while bullying them into doing what you
want is no way to manage people. If your business is to succeed, your employees
should enjoy their jobs and be able to make a valid contribution. People
disagree - that's human nature, but differences of opinion can be discussed
and resolved sensibly. Minor disagreements should never be allowed to fester or
escalate, because ultimately it can prove highly destructive for your
business," he concludes.
Why do ego clashes happen?
"Workplace ego
clashes happen for various reasons," says Dr Lisa Matthewman, Principal
Lecturer in Occupational and Organisational Psychology at the University of
Westminster. "They can be the result of a conflict of personalities,
professional jealousy or communication problems. Sometimes they happen when
someone is trying to establish themselves as the alpha female or male.
"As well as
conflict over resources in some businesses, they can be the result of office
politics. General causes include how the business is structured or its culture,
for example, where fear, insecurity or lack of trust exists. Ego clashes can
also be more common in times of change or where there is uncertainty over
someone's role,” she explains.
Matthewman says
workplace ego clashes are common. "Fundamentally, we're an animal species,
therefore conflict will occur in the workplace just as it does in wider
society." But what affect do ego clashes have on the two people directly
involved? While the person who emerges victorious might be filled with a sense
of superiority and euphoria, feelings of complacency are ill-advised, says
Matthewman. Although the loser can be left feeling demoralised, demotivated and
even depressed, tense and stressed, often they want to get their own back, so
they look for the first opportunity to do so.
workplace ego clashes can be highly stressful and demoralising for colleagues
who aren't directly involved. It can seriously disrupt productivity and
efficiency, because people's energy, time and attention is taken up with
conflict, not working productively as a team.
"If left unresolved,
as well as damaging productivity, the culture of an organization can stagnate,
which can harm creativity. In small businesses, problems are often made worse
because people usually need to work more closely together."
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