Friday, August 31, 2012

Understanding how to get from mediocrity to super achievement

The best way to convert a fantasy or a dream into a goal, which you can readily achieve, is to write your dream or fantasy down and then to formulate a broad plan to achieve that goal. This simple step begins the process, of goal achievement by creating something concrete in your mind. This then programs your mind to start looking for opportunities, which are aligned with turning your intangible dreams and fantasies into real and meaningful realized outcomes.

Get Clarity
When you have clarity and you know what you are looking for, it gives your mind a “focused set of eyes” and you begin to see opportunities that were there all along, but you were not seeing them, because you had not programmed your mind to look for them. For example: if you decide to buy a new car, that brand of car seems to miraculously appear everywhere you look. This is the programming and clarity you want to direct onto turning your dreams in reality.
Tell your brain what to look for and it will begin to notice the people, resources and hidden ideas, which you need to turn your thoughts into something real and meaningful. When your dreams are defined by audacious, distant and unclear vague ideas, your mind is thrown off and does not know what to search for. Ambiguity is the biggest killer of dreams and will make achieving your dreams virtually impossible. Until you clarify around what you want, you are wasting your most powerful resource, namely your powerful mind. When it is programmed properly, it will relentlessly search for answers and opportunities to help you succeed.
Give your Mind Clear InstructionsYour mind operates at its most optimal level, when it has clear instructions. This is obvious, try sending someone shopping for you with vague instructions about what you want. What do you think the odds are that they will return with exactly what you want? If on the other hand you clearly write out a list defining exactly what you want. Then the odds are stacked in favour of them returning with exactly what you want. Commit to write out a really clear shopping list for your brain today and over time your brain will deliver exactly that to you.

Create a Strategic Plan
You’re clear, precise strategic plan will give your mind a clear set of instructions, so that it can get to work finding the information you need to achieve exactly what you want. Think of your plan in terms of creating a road map, to get you from where you are to where you want to go.
How Long Should it Take?
The first step is to define how long it will take to complete the journey. If you set out on a journey to cross Africa, but you have no specific timeline in mind, you are unable to create a plan. How far do you need to travel each day, when do you need to refuel, where will you sleep each day etc.? The same is true for your goals. If you have a written dream or fantasy, but you do not have a timeline in which you are required to achieve the goal. You have no way of measuring your progress; there is no urgency and pressure to take action.

Break Your Goal into Bite Size Chunks
When you have a timeline for achieving your goals, you can easily break your goal back into achievable bite size chunks and consistently measure your progress. This will help you to stay on track and ensure that the actions you are taking daily are aligned with the outcome you are trying to achieve. There are many different ways of achieving the same outcome, but not all of them are as efficient or effective as the other. It is for this reason that you must clearly define what you need to do each day and also include a timeline, clearly describing, when you will accomplish each step in the process.

What Resources do you need?
On this journey through Africa, you must be clear on who you will be taking along to help you on the trip. Goal achieving is the same, identify and clearly define who you need to assist you and their roles required to do so.

Research and Discover any Possible Challenges
Before embarking on your trip you must research the conditions, route etc. Nobody would attempt to travel through Africa without doing the correct research. It is at your own peril that you will neglect this crucial step when embarking on the most important journey of your life, namely you journey to realize you dreams.
The success of a journey, of the magnitude of traveling through Africa requires acquiring numerous resources. The journey to creating tangible and real goals is no different. Carefully consider all the resources you will need to make the journey from mediocrity achievement and then build a plan to bring them into your experience.

In conclusion, any long journey requires special skills and knowledge. So before embarking on your journey to success, take a really hard and in-depth look at yourself and define and make plans to acquire the training, skills and knowledge you will need to succeed. Think of the goal achieving process as achievement as a wonderful and very enjoyable journey, you will get to start enjoying your life right now, not one day when you achieve success. Bringing super achievement, meaning and fulfillment is a process, which can and should start right now.

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