Friday, August 31, 2012

You Can Do It: Transform Fear Into Creativity

We all experience fear in some form every day, whether we want that fear or not. Fear is an ancient body sensation that compels and drives us toward survival through a fight or flight response. This response floods the body with chemicals that promote action. Fear is generated from what is called the old brain or the limbic brain system. This system is experienced by the right side of our brains. If the fear chemicals floods us, and we don’t take action, we will become immobilized or stunned into inaction.Gary Sherwood in his book, The Survivor’s Club, states that in an emergency situation ten percent of the population would take positive action to address the situation. Eighty percent of the population would be immobilized and the last ten percent would act badly or demonstrate self-sabotaging or destructive behavior. That is a whopping ninety percent of us who would not act with self-preserving behavior. How then are those ten percent that would take positive action different from the rest of us? He found that these people are the ones in life who strategize or have a plan of action for most situations before they happen. They would get on an airplane and immediately create an exit plan in their minds. This strategic plan creates a structure that allows them to use and overcome the fear they will experience in an emergency by having a plan of action thought through before they need it.

Although every day situations are not emergency based, it does point out the need to be responsive instead of reactive in our daily life. We need to make a conscious choice to strategize our actions to overcome the fear that leads many of us down the path of inaction. It also teaches us to use our personal power when confronted by fear in our careers and relationships instead of being at the effect of brain’s chemical flood. If we identify that we are afraid of confronting an issue, it is more likely that we will be able to problem solve before we become overwhelmed and stick our heads in the sand.

This is where i will stop for now, this topic will continue in the next edition where i shall explore and give you more insight on how to transform fear inot creativity. Until i come your way next time. stay positive

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