Thursday, June 21, 2018

Career Ladder Mindset VS Breakthrough Career Mindset


The first time I came across Adam Poswolsky’s book project was through his Indiegogo campaign where he explained what the book is about and more importantly why he was writing it. I was immediately hooked from the moment I watched the trailer video because I felt he was talking to me personally addressing questions like:

Have you ever felt stuck knowing you need to make a change in your life but you are too afraid to take the leap?

How do you know it’s time to quit from a mediocre job that no longer inspires you?

You are in your 30’s not knowing who you are and what you want from life?

Can you really spend your days doing something that inspires you allowing you to make an impact uniquely to your gifts?

After watching the video, I ordered for the book from Amazon.

How exciting!!!

Adam shares the lessons he has learned throughout his journey of intentional learning and experimentation with the purpose of inspiring and empowering young people to realize that career experimentation is not a waste of time when it’s done with the purpose of getting closer to your true self.

The book made me realize it’s ok to experiment with different things when you know you need to make a change in your life but feel stuck! Experimentation takes us one step closer to aligning our true self with our gifts.

At one point in my life, I felt stuck in a job I didn’t like and wasn’t true to my gifts and true self but I settled for mediocrity because I didn’t know any better. I was just checking off days waiting for something to happen only to realize that I had the power to change my reality at any point in my life.

Career ladder mindset VS breakthrough career mindset

Like most of us, I grew up with typical Nigeria mentality go to University, find a well-paying job, climb the corporate ladder, build a house/rent, get married, have kids and retire at 65. At one point, it didn’t make sense anymore but I felt trapped. Luckily, I started surrounding with people who refuse to settle for mediocrity and want to do something that inspires them aligned with their gifts. 

I have realized it’s ok to jump in any direction that makes sense given my purpose. There’s no more linear career path, only a breakthrough career mindset where you figure out your next steps as you go aligning your actions with your purpose and surrounding yourself with people holding you accountable to your goals.

Sometimes in times when we feel stuck or during a transition, it’s easy to forget about the things we have because we are so worried about a future that might never come. Instead, it’s important to be thankful for the things and people we have in our lives. No matter how bad things get, there are always people willing to help out if we have the courage to ask and that’s something to be thankful for. Who are the people you are thankful for in your life? Go ahead and express your gratitude to them, it will make you feel better.

Meaningful work it’s all about doing work that reflects your interests and allows you to share your gifts to help others living in alignment with your purpose surrounded by supportive communities.

Breakthroughs are all about figuring out what the next step is and having a supportive community holding you accountable to your goals.

Breakthroughs are all about refusing to settle for mediocrity.

Breakthroughs are not enough if you don’t invest time, money, or both in developing your character to achieve that breakthrough.
Look for the people who have already done it

If you don’t know what door to knock, there are always people who can show you the door; there are always people who have done what you are attempting to accomplish. It’s important to look for mentors and have models that can serve as guides while we find our own path through this never ending a journey.

It’s important to share our plans and breakthroughs with others who share our values and believe in our potential to increase chances of success.

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